CEN Rwanda

Why Consider a Study Abroad in Italy?

A Study Abroad in Italy means earning credits towards an undergraduate degree while exploring a dynamic country – one you may only have seen in textbooks (it looks like a boot). The great thing about an Italy Study Abroad is that there are so many reasons to find a program that fits your study goals or checks a few things off your bucket list (e.g. eat FRESH pizza in Naples where it was invented?)

Depending on whether you have a semester or a year in Italy, you will find different program options, ranging from pastry baking to interior design, international business or language.

Going to Class
A good resource is to check past participant feedback as it might help you get a feel for the school you will be attending; a pretty cool thing about Italy is that the University of Bologna, founded in 1808 is the oldest university in the world, with the University of Padua and the University of Naples among the oldest in Europe. We are sensing some history here, and plenty of reason to get excited about studying in Italy.

Music and More
Maybe you want to study music abroad in Italy, birthplace of Vivaldi, opera and talents such as Luciano Pavarotti and Andrea Bocelli. Summer in Italy is usually a great time to catch local music festivals.

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